The color progression begins with a pastel turquoise and blue color palette, then merges to a pastel salmon color, which transforms to a bold pink-magenta. Slowly it merges to a sky blue, which passes to a transcended blue and ends with a very dark color palette. To emphasize his concept and the gradual color transition, Ilk integrates a color and shape fragment of the previous painting into the next one.
Ludovilk Myers’s visual repertoire is constantly merging from concrete organic shapes to writing. Sometimes image and lettering even superimpose themselves or merge to a synthesis. Also in this series, on the one hand, one could simply see different colors, textures and shapes, which mostly represent abstract paintings. But on the other hand, here and there one could recognize a silhouette of a leaf, a fruit, a vase or a strongly abstract lettering. Ilk’s symbolic language merges elements of his daily life and his personal interests, which gives his artworks an organic yet graphic, surrealistic and sometimes psychedelic aesthetic.
Ludovilk Myers’s art works seem very simple and abstract at first sight. But it is actually remarkable how important color design in terms of the painting’s impact is and how they are perceived in space. Undoubtedly one must experience these works!
Tania Di Brita