Sweetuno’s recognizable style consists of curved lines, dynamic swings and a tag here and there. Both sketch and final layer appear in his artworks simultaneously. Scribbling, tagging and drawing facilitates the process of finding new ideas and shapes for his creations and is still a vibrant and lively practice which comprises a major part in his paintings. Therefore: throw ups, tags, outlines and quite a few letters can be found in every unique artwork. Sweetuno is outstanding in his usage of urban semiotics.
Due to Sweetuno’s versatile artistic projects, his studio routine is not steady, which means that his paintings are often created under varying conditions. This set of paintings reflects the effectiveness, resoluteness and continuity at the time of their creation. He allows freedom and intuition to guide him in order to reinforce the liveliness and expressiveness in his paintings. The amount of abstraction and style writing is perfectly balanced and blends into one.