More than a decade from L’Atlas debut in Switzerland in 2007, Kolly Gallery is delighted to reunite with the artist and exhibit his work for the very first time in Zurich. The exhibition offers a variety of insights into L’Atlas’ oeuvre, reflecting on the artist’s everyday life while rediscovering his strong vocation for art. His humble perception of daily life becomes a statement of simplicity and a testimony to its power through his art.
Since the 1990s he has been practicing his self-expression on the streets and since the 2000s intensively developing his style as well in the studio as well. The artist found his nom de plume L’Atlas while traveling. In geography, the word „atlas“ is used as summary of diagrams and maps that depict the world in a two-dimensional space. Later in his life, he traveled to the Atlas region in Morocco, which again seemed to him to be the right name. Moreover, the artist associates his pseudonym Atlas with the strong and muscular Titan in Greek mythology who fought Zeus and the Olympians.