Traveling to European metropoles in her teens, Tania Di Brita discovered the encoded beauty of the street. While strolling through the city by day or night, she discovered cute little interventions or bold colored letters voicing a clear message. These everyday discoveries still touch her in a unique way.
It is important to take care of and preserve an art movement as precious as graffiti on all levels.
Tania Di Brita, 2017
Tania Di Brita graduated in Art History (M.A.) as well as Communication at the University of Zurich. The profound interest in urban art, especially graffiti and street art, culminated in her master thesis. Therein she researched the shift of graffiti, as an art movement, to institutionalized graffiti art. Unifying personal interest, work and academic research she was lucky enough to create and curate her fist exhibition From A Tag To An Artwork at Kolly Gallery (2017). Eager to take graffiti and street art to an academic level, an art movement as precious as graffiti needs to be taken care of and preserved. Academic discussions as well as art historical analysis are crucial to capture this art movement. Eventually she would like to be a kind of connecting point between arts of the urban space and science.
Today she writes and creates content at Kolly Gallery, manages and consults a private urban art collection and is an independent researcher.